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Burn-in test

  • determining the resilience and resistance of components
  • check for functionality and durability in continuous operation
  • detection of previously unknown weak spots
  • increasing the quality and reliability of the components

What is the burn-in test about?

The burn-in test checks the quality of individual components and thus identifies components in advance that could possibly fail during continuous operation. The aim is to avoid installing faulty assemblies and damaged components in a device. For this reason, the components are tested for their functionality over a longer period of time in continuous operation and under high stress. Faulty circuits blow during this test, which is why printed circuit boards with undetected damage can be discarded at an early stage.

The burn-in test also serves to pre-age the components. This procedure allows the modules to be exposed to temperature fluctuations between -50 ° C and + 150 ° C. In general, it can be assumed that the burn-in test increases the quality and reliability of the components.